Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Brasília and Research Fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Author and editor of the books The Oxford Handbook of the Brazilian Constitution (OUP, forthcoming, with Juliana Cesário Alvim and Emílio Meyer), The Rule of Law in Brazil: The Legal Construction of Inequality (Hart, 2022), Constitutional Change and Transformation in Latin America (Hart, 2019, ed. with Richard Albert and Carlos Bernal), On The Limits of Constitutional Adjudication: Deconstructing Balancing and Judicial Activism (Springer, 2010), among others. He was a Humboldt-CAPES Senior Fellow at the Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, Germany, a DAAD-CAPES Fellow at the Centre of European Law and Politics (ZERP) at the University of Bremen, Germany, and a DAAD-CAPES Doctoral Fellow at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. Regularly writes for I-CONnect, having been its columnist in 2021. He is, along with Juliana Cesário Alvim, Co-Chair of ICON-S Brazil.

Juliano Zaiden Benvindo
Get to know the researchers who coordinate the CECC/UnB:

Ana Cristina Botelho
Ph.D. in Law from the University of Brasília/UnB (2018), with thesis conducted in the Research Line: Constitution and Democracy. Master's degree in Constitutional Law from the Brasiliense Institute of Public Law/IDP (2009) and Bachelor's degree in Law from the Federal University of Pernambuco. She was a Visiting Scholar at the Boston College Law School (September 2017 to June 2018). She is a Professor at the Brasiliense Institute of Public Law/IDP, teaching both undergraduate and graduate levels. Additionally, she works as a Federal Auditor for External Control at the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU). Between 2021 and 2022, she served as the Director-General of the Serzedello Corrêa Institute (ISC), the Corporate University of TCU. In 2022, she was a Professor in the Postgraduate Course on Legislative Power and Parliamentary Law at the Brazilian Legislative Institute (ILB/Senate). Furthermore, she volunteers as a reviewer for journals in the areas of Constitutional and Administrative Law (TCU Journal and Fundamental Rights and Democracy Journal/Unibrasil).
Manuellita Hermes
Brazilian Federal State Attorney. Ph.D. summa cum laude from the Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata with a dual Law degree in State and Constitution from the University of Brasília (UnB) and research stays at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (MPIL) and at the Institut de recherche en droit international et européen de la Sorbonne (IREDIES). Law Professor at the Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento, Ensino e Pesquisa (IDP), the Escola Superior da Advocacia-Geral da União (ESAGU), and, as volunteer, at the UnB. General Coordinator for International and Judicial Affairs at the Legal Consultancy of the Brazilian Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship. Former Secretary of High Studies, Research and Information Management at the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF). Former Law Clerk in the same institution. Member of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL/AIDC), the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), and the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S).

André Demetrio
Ph.D. candidate in Law at the University of Brasília (UnB). Researcher at CECC and CCONS. Substitute Professor at IFSP. Person with a disability.

Roberto Dalledone
Ph.D. in Law from the University of Brasília. Visiting Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg). Master's degree in Human Rights and Democracy from the Federal University of Paraná with a CAPES scholarship. Professor of Public International Law and Human Rights at the Brazilian Institute of Teaching, Development, and Research (IDP). Has experience in Public Policy and International Politics, having participated in the United Nations internship program in New York. Former Law Clerk at the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court. Consultant at the Federal Senate.

Miguel Gualano de Godoy
Professor of Constitutional Law at Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and University of Brasília (UnB). Hold a Doctoral (2015) and Master (2011) degrees from UFPR and a postdoctoral period as a researcher at University of São Paulo (USP – 2018/2019). Former special clerk at the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF). Attorney at Law.

Elisa Amorim Boaventura
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from University of Brasilia, currently pursuing a specialization in International Law at USP Ribeirão Preto. Lawyer at Horta e Bachur Advogados. Manager at WIA Juniors. Member of WIT Starters. Coordinator of the Center for Comparative Constitutional Studies (CECC - UnB). Associate Editor of the International Review of Constitutional Reform (IRCR).

Ian Ferrare Meier
Master's student in Law and Public Policy at the University Center of Brasília (CEUB). Member of the coordination of the Center for Comparative Constitutional Studies at UnB (CECC UnB). Editor-in-Chief of the READ CEUB journal. Researcher at BI Norwegian Business School. Former Member of the Team that developed VitorIA, one of the Artificial Intelligences of the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court. Former Member of the Working Group at the Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories, supporting Study Group No. 2 of the Laboratory for Innovation, Intelligence, and Sustainable Development Goals (ODS), of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), where he worked on the implementation of the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (UNODC/UN) in Brazil.

Júlia Quintão Frade
Coordinator of the Center for Comparative Constitutional Studies (CECC/UnB). Bachelor of Laws from the University of Brasília (UnB). Associate Editor of the International Review of Constitutional Reform (IRCR). Lawyer at Fonseca de Melo e Britto.

Maria Letícia Borges
Bachelor of Law from the University of Brasília (UnB). Associate Editor of the International Review of Constitutional Reform (IRCR). Editor of the book Comparative Dialogues: Studies in Comparative Constitutional Law (Pontes Publisher, 2023).

Sandryelle Alves
Lawyer. Bachelor of Laws from the University of Brasilia. Postgraduate student in Business Law and Contracts at the University Center of Brasilia. Researcher at the Center for Comparative Constitutional Studies of the University of Brasilia - CECC/UnB.

Tayná Frota Araújo
Lawyer. Postgraduate student in Digital Law, Data, and Artificial Intelligence at the Brasiliense Institute of Public Law (IDP). Bachelor of Laws from the University of Brasília (UnB). Researcher at the Center for Law, Internet, and Society (CEDIS) at IDP and coordinator of Privacy Lab-CEDIS/IDP. Coordinator of Studies at the LGPD Observatory/UnB. Researcher at the Center for Comparative Constitutional Studies (CECC)/UnB.

Anna Irene de Paula
Undergraduate Law student at the University of Brasília. Former president and member of the Council of Representatives. Student collaborator of the HABEAS LIBER extension project, based at the Law School of the University of Brasília. Former monitor for General Theory of Procedure 2, taught by Professor Vallisney de Souza Oliveira, and Legal Sociology, by Alexandre Veronese, at the Law School of the University of Brasília. Member of the Center for Comparative Constitutional Studies (CEEC/UnB) and the Research Group 'Law, Gender, and Families'. Researcher in the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC) in 2023/2024.

Caio Ruggiero
Undergraduate Law student in Law at the University of Brasilia, researcher at GPRAJ, coordinator and researcher at CECC, member of PET Law UnB.

Carolina Oleskovicz
Undergraduate Law student at the University of Brasília (UnB). Coordinator and researcher at the Center for Comparative Constitutional Studies (CECC/UnB). Assistant Editor of the Law Students' Journal of the University of Brasília (RED) and member of the University of Brasília's Law Junior Company (AdvocattA).

Gabriel Pedroza
Undergraduate Law student at the University of Brasília (UnB), with a mobility period at the Law Faculty of Lisbon University (FDUL). Law Intern at Silva Prado Roscoe Bessa Advogados. Coordinator of the Center for Comparative Constitutional Studies (CECC).

Gabriella Késio
Undergraduate Law student at the University of Brasília, took the course on Models and Paradigms with Professor Dr. Juliano Zaiden Benvindo, and served as a monitor in the following semester (2023.2) - assisting in the dynamics of the Mock Trial and in the assigned activities. Participates in Veredicto - an extension project also under the guidance of Professor Dr. Juliano Zaiden.

Giulia Mariah Tavares
Legislative/legal advisor to a parliamentary senator in the Federal Senate. Undergraduate Law student at the University of Brasilia. Scholar in Scientific Initiation with a project on Comparative Constitutional Law (2023). Assistant Editor of the Law Students' Journal at UnB (RED | UnB). Tutor in Constitutional Law classes with Professor Dr. Miguel Gualano Godoy.

Hanna Pereira
Before being accepted into Law at the University of Brasília, she completed a semester in Political Science and served as a monitor for that subject and others, such as Models and Paradigms of Legal Experience and Legal Research. In addition to being a researcher at CECC, she is currently focusing on studies about Green Constitutionalism. She is a scholarship recipient through the MEC by the Tutorial Education Program - PET, is part of the Academic Center, the Legal Assistance Group, and is dedicated to Scientific Initiation. Currently, she is an intern at the Supreme Federal Court and has served as a reviewer for the Suprema Journal.
Igor Caldas
Undergraduate Law student at the University of Brasilia, Articles Editor for the University of Brasilia Students' Law Journal, founder and manager of SINC, researcher at FAP-DF and CNPq, author of articles in Constitutional and Regulatory Law.
João Guilherme Oliveira
Undergraduate Law student at the University of Brasília (UnB). Researcher in the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC) in the May 2022/April 2023 call. Researcher at the Center for Comparative Constitutional Studies (CECC).
Luna Boianovsky
Undergraduate Law student at the University of Brasilia. Researcher and extensionist, founder of the Inciso IX project - the law students' newspaper at the University of Brasília's Law School - and member of the Negotiation Team UnB. Enthusiastic about Constitutional Law, especially in its comparative analysis; Constitutional Courts; Human Rights; and Environmental Law.

Matheus de Souza Depieri
LL.M. candidate at the University of Cambridge (King's College) and Bachelor of Law from the University of Brasília (UnB). Fellow at Portulans Institute. Vice President of the Cambridge University Brazilian Society (CUBS). General Editor of the Cambridge International Law Journal; Associate Editor of the Cambridge Law Review; and Associate Editor of the International Review of Constitutional Reform. Researcher at the Cambridge Pro Bono Project and researcher at the Study and Research Group on Civil Procedure, Access to Justice, and Protection of Rights (GEPC/UnB).

Maria Antônia Beraldo
Bachelor of Laws from the University of Brasília (UnB), with a semester of international academic mobility at the Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata. Researcher and graphic design editor at the Center for Comparative Constitutional Studies (CECC/UnB). Extensionist at the Legal Office for Ethnic and Cultural Diversity (JUSDIV/UnB).